Saturday, January 27, 2007

rain, rain, go away, don't come back another day

It's amazing how used to the dry climate I am. Sure, my hair and especially skin hate the lack of moisture in the air, but my head loves it. It's been raining pretty much all day, and I've been totally sluggish with a mild headache (beats the migraines I used to get with every rainfall back east), and I feel like it should not be doing this today! Yeah, yeah, it's the rainy season, but it hasn't exactly been that rainy. What I don't get is that I saw rain less than a month ago when it rained everyday in Paris, but yet, this still feels alien to me. How am I ever going to return to an actual seasonal climate?

On the bright side, my car really needed to get pelted a bit today. Me, of all people, was actually on the verge of considering a car wash the damn thing was so filthy. Now I can keep my streak alive. Never been washed on my watch. Yes!



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