Friday, January 19, 2007

burger beef

I love a good burger and fries, but this is ridiculous. Fighting over who owns the title to the first burger isn't the worst part, the fact that some stupid congressperson in Texas is trying to pass a resolution in Congress about it is. You mean to tell me they don't have better things to do?! And hasn't Texas contributed enough stupid things to this country?

This is more embarrassing than the fact that the lead story on last night's 11:00 news on ABC was the revived controversy behind Grey's Anatomy. The lead story!

Back to burgers, my money's on Louis' Lunch. That's what I've known for years. But I could never eat there. You aren't allowed any ketchup. And anyone who has seen me eat a burger knows I can't do it without ketchup.

P.S. The New York Times is now hip to how annoying it is that their links used to expire within 14 days of publication, and now offer "permalinks" that remain available after the article enters the archive.



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