Wednesday, June 01, 2005

i ♥ the bonapartes, don't you?

Last night was my first trip to the Black Cat Backstage--a quaint, intimate space, and yes, I rather like those really small venues. The Bonapartes rocked the tiny stage and attracted a very respectably-sized crowd for their Black Cat debut. The set was full of catchy, sophisticated tunes, Ian Curtis-inspired dancing from Scott, and classic-rock guitar bopping (I'm coining that term right now) from Ben. As always, skinny rock 'n' roll boys rule.

On our way out, Allie and I stole the very rad poster for the show from a wall display. We made so much noise in peeling away the clear packing tape we attracted plenty of attention and a couple of people making sure we weren't stealing an advertisement for a future show (of course we would never do that, that's disrespectful). Really, we made a ton of noise, were slightly embarrassed, and ran out of the club giggling like idiots. It was right out of a movie; you know, that movie I feel like I'm perpetually trapped in.


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