Tuesday, May 17, 2005

the big 100,000

Yes, it's true, my car hit the very important 100,000 mile mark today. Very important, what makes me think that? I don't know. Important enough that I technically posted this after midnight but had to fudge the time to get this to read appropriately. Eeek, now you know the dirty tricks I play. Been busy as frickin' hell with my thesis and planning a trip to Los Angeles, what can I say?

At any rate, I knew this milestone would occur today. I thought it would happen on Saturday since I drove to Arlington (we know how much I love Virginia...you better get the sarcasm there), but a mostly unplanned stop into D.C. on my way home shaved off a few miles to leave my car at 99,996 when I got home. Working at home the last couple of days put that big day off until today. And for the occasion, I debuted a new mix tape--I thought the car could use it, especially as a celebration.

The big moment occurred on Norwood Road, a hair west of the entrance to the Sandy Spring Friends School at around 12:30 p.m. Yes, I was making one of my last trips to the University of Maryland, which I suppose is quite fitting. Since I bought the car with more than 45,000 miles to its credit, it's been those trips back and forth to College Park that have added the most mileage. It was nice not to be stressed out by a slow-moving minivan, SUV, or geriatric when the moment occurred. What was on my stereo? The Bonapartes.

Now it's weird to see all the slots on the odometer filled. I'll have to get used to that.


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