Tuesday, January 31, 2006

myspace at upright citizens brigade theatre

Had I ever been to an actual comedy show before last night? I'm not sure. I'm not really a fan of standup. I have a hard time with someone standing in front of me, monologing about something I am supposed to be pressured into laughing at. But this wasn't standup, it was improv. Improv based on MySpace, noless. And it was funny. The basic premise is to pick people from the audience, look at their page together, and interview them about it and their interests. Then the troupe does a series of improvs based on the information provided.

The first guy was really lame. The second, well, just some young punk (and I don't mean "punk" like the culture). But guess who was third and last? No, don't look at me! It was Anna. I would have thought they would have a field day with the blog title including Paul McCartney's white pubic hair, but they sort of passed by it until I called out for them to click it. They didn't think it was too funny, except for the end about Anna wanting to poke out my "eyes," and they thanked "me" (well, the person who came up with it, which they didn't conclude was me in the audience) for that image. If only they had kept reading the comments, which now include a brief but pretty thorough explanation of the "hand theory."

But, yeah, it was hilarious. And packed. They had people sitting (sans chair) on the stage. Well worth the $5. Now I want to check out some of their other shows, especially the free ones.


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