Thursday, March 09, 2006

wednesday woes

Yesterday was a long day. Wednesday is always long since I have an early class and then an afternoon one. But I also won free tickets to a screening of Thank You For Smoking in Century City, which is like the other side of the moon. Since I was going to schlep out there I decided that I HAD to go to a Persian restaurant that I have been dying to go to on Westwood Blvd. It was one longass drive from San Marino to Westwood and due to construction on Santa Monica Blvd. I got a little lost. But I did make it and it was worth it. Shaherzad is apparently the only Persian restaurant in L.A. that has the bread baked fresh on location in a tandoor. That seems ridiculous to me since it is readily available at Moby Dick (a D.C. area chain) which is closer to fast food than fine dining. AND this is the city with the largest Iranian population in the United States.

Thank You For Smoking was hilarious as any biting satire should be. And yes, the infamous sex scene that was "accidentally" deleted for its Sundance premiere was there. It's really not that racy and it looks very fake (no surprise since Katie Holmes can't act to save her life). It had a very Election feel to me, partly because the music seemed very similar (Rolfe Kent did both scores).

While I've got sex on the brain I should also mention that I met the hottest historian you could possibly imagine yesterday. I'm not going to give his name, his book title, or his institution, because god forbid he googles himself and stumbles upon this. He's married anyway. But, man, seriously, exactly my type and someone who actually gets what I do! I'm just doomed to never find that.

Can you tell that not having internet at home makes me feel more lonely than usual? How disgusting is that, really, when you think about it. I base my sense of comfort around a virtual world. Now, to be fair, part of the reason is that most of the people I know and love live on the other side of the country. But really, why can't I be the girl that just goes out, meets people, and things actually work or translate into more than a one-time meeting?


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