Sunday, August 13, 2006

milkshake, milkshake (part deux)

What seems like long ago I pontificated on the best milkshakes to be had in Los Angeles. I may love frozen diary products, but of course I haven't tried every place. Now I feel as though I don't need to.

Lucky Devils on Hollywood Blvd. just west of Whitley in the heart of touristy Hollywood has the best milkshakes you could imagine. I've only had two, but I'm sold. I've had their chocolate cake shake and hot fudge malt. They make their own vanilla frozen custard, they make all their cakes (including the chocolate one that ended up in that shake), use really high quality chocolate and fudge, and it's all extra thick and insanely good. Since most places hover around $5 for a shake, this is a real bargain. They're $4.50 plus tax, but if you're paying that everywhere else and not getting this kind of quality, they're the deal. The hot fudge malt was incredible. It tasted like a hot fudge Sunday without the inconsistent, messy texture. They also have a famous pecan shake for you nut lovers. You can even get a beer shake, but somehow that doesn't sound appealing to me. The only thing I'd like to really try that I haven't is the root beer float since they have draft root beer.


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