Tuesday, June 13, 2006

is it true that you can never really go home again?

I know, you're wondering why I didn't blog as I was home visiting, but honestly, it just wasn't flowing. In some ways it was completely uneventful. But naturally I have some stories to share.

Let's begin with the end, which is only the logical place to start.

My plane landed at 9:20 this evening at LAX and I arrived at my doorstep at 11:10. Mark was supposed to pick me up, but he called at the last minute to let me know that there was an emergency and he couldn't make it. He told me to take a cab and that he would pay me back, but I refused. That seemed silly to me. He was supposed to do me a favor, why should he pay for a $40+ cab ride? I took the flyer from LAX to Union Station for $3 and then transferred to the Metro red line for another $1.25. Then I walked four or five blocks home. It felt good to take transit in the iconically un-transit-friendly city. I felt so urban. Plus, I really don't feel comfortable in cabs. I'm more comfortable in public transit. Yes, seriously. And it cost me probably less than a tenth of a cab, but it did take forever because I had to wait at least 15 minutes for the Metro.

Ok, so now that I've told you about my exciting transit adventure, let's discuss the trip. It's sort of surreal and I think it's going to take time to decompress and take it all in. Things felt odd. It was like old hat driving around, but I swear traffic has gotten worse in our neck of the woods. I nearly cried when I drove past the University of Maryland for the first time in so many months. Why on earth, you ask? Because it represents five years of my life.

The one funny story I have to report involves me getting my first buzz off alcohol. Yes, seriously. It's taken me years to like the taste of alcohol let alone drink much at all. But I went to a party at a friend's house where I had two Camparis with orange juice before dinner. After dinner I had two shots of tequila and a smidge of Lemoncello (an Italian liquor made of 100% grain alcohol, lemon, and sugar). I got a buzz. I felt light headed, and when my friend asked if I felt all happy and stuff, I said "No, I'm worried." I was worried because I had to drive home. Of course I could have stayed the night, and that was offered, but I didn't want to. So I then downed several glasses of water and had some coffee to clear my head. Soon enough my head was fine but I felt like I was going to puke after drinking so much liquid. I told my friend Nadereh (the hostess of the party) that I was going home. She was concerned and wanted to make sure I was safe to drive. I said, "My head is totally clear and I feel absolutely fine, I just want to take my clothes off." She started laughing hysterically at me and asked me to repeat it to other people. I explained that I wanted to take my clothes off because I was tired and felt stuffed in them after drinking so much water. The point is that there is no alcohol required to lower my inhibitions (I contend they are at rock bottom anyway!).


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