Sunday, April 01, 2007

leather beats

I heard part of The English Beat's set tonight from my apartment. Huh? How is that possible, you ask?

I came home from dinner, fiddled a bit with stuff, and then I started paying attention to "Sooner or Later" blaring from the street. I thought, "You know, that's a pretty good cover." Then when it was over I thought I heard the announcer say it was The English Beat. But how could that be?

Well, according to the website for the Street Fest LA, it sure as hell was The English Beat. That certainly beats the unbelievably bad death metal that was torturing me earlier. (Who knew middle-aged men in leather chaps really liked that kind of crap? The Queen cover band wasn't bad, though.)

I didn't know this was happening today. When I did my laundry this morning I noticed food vendors setting up on Santa Monica Boulevard. And I thought, "Oh cool, I'll check it out later. I hope they have kettle corn!" When I returned home this afternoon from a spell in Westwood with Andrew, I saw the leather chaps, and realized that it was the leather festival that costs $15 to get into. If it was cheaper, I'd totally go. I wonder if they'd let me in?



Blogger Alexandra Frank. said...

I don't understand why they would play that kind of event. Surely they could have hopped on the 80s has-been bandwagon [pun intended] and played 80s-themed concerts/festivals instead. I would go to that...

9:30 AM  

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