Sunday, March 18, 2007

i'm so short...

I almost didn't have milk in my tea this morning.

Yes, you read that correctly.

I went to breakfast on my way to see the movie since I had a craving for French toast (mine is better, but I'm too lazy to make it for one!), and I had a cup of earl grey with it too. And yes, despite the somewhat convention of not putting milk in earl grey, that's how I like it. So I went over to the "coffee condiment table," where the milk is kept in heavy thermoses you press from the top to dispense. The counter was too high to be comfortable for me, but what was worse was the milk resting all the way at the back. At first I thought it was empty, but when I tried to lift it, it was really heavy. So I had to stand on my tiptoes and press as hard as I could to get milk. It was a struggle.

I must have looked like an idiot, but of course no one offered to help. This is LA, and that would require human interaction not filtered through an electronic device of some sort.

How tall do you think people actually plan for?



Blogger Alexandra Frank. said...

I think this is a very interesting question, and one worth looking into answering: "How tall do you think people actually plan for?"

12:49 PM  
Blogger EcamirG said...

Inland, I think they plan for three foot four. As you get towards the ocean, it gets higher. On the Westside, I think they plan for people who are eleven feet, nine inches tall.

Except for Venice Beach, which just always has to be different. There, they plan for 9'2".

Whoever designed my house seems to have planned it as a venue primarily for elaborate seventh-birthday parties.

12:40 PM  

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