Sunday, December 02, 2007

my fear of 3-D

I bet you expect me to say something about a snake popping out of the screen, but you'd be wrong, because I couldn't even see it!

I get all tense every time I read about how 3-D will be the future of film in the Bible's news. Then I just read through's list of the 50 smartest people in Hollywood, where 3-D was mentioned too many times to count. The reason this concerns me is that I physically can't see 3-D. What? Yeah, I know, it seems weird, but I have very, very limited ability to see this stuff. The picture just looks very blurry (so beside missing stuff pop out, nothing looks right). I noticed this from an early age, but I figured it was just something about how the 3-D glasses don't work well over prescription eyeglasses. Then during my most recent eye exam earlier this year, for the first time, I was given something to look at and told to identify the ones that pop out and I couldn't. I asked the doctor if it's abnormal, but apparently it isn't for someone with my vision and vision correction. Though, of course, those of us with such poor vision aren't really enough to stop the tide of 3-D for fear it won't make the gazillions of dollars they're now banking on.

Of course it's unlikely to really affect the movies I tend to see most, the story-driven small films. But we could get to a point where 3-D is the technology standard and no matter how 3-D doesn't enhance the film, it might be used.

On the other hand, EW considers Judd Appatow the smartest man in Hollywood, and he ain't monkeying with 3-D. Oh man, can you imagine the crowning scene in 3-D? Ugh... Though, I guess, if you've watched a woman give birth in person, you don't really need to.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw a 70's Porno movie in 3-D once. Not as funny, or interesting as you would think it would be.

9:28 AM  
Blogger Ridiculous Authenticity said...

I know, I've seen it too.

9:34 AM  

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