sweating to the beat at the iota

My last couple of posts have been sort of lame, haven't they? I mean, they're just about my reactions to the last few concerts I've been to. Well, tonight I trekked to Arlington (fucking Virginia, yeah, I got lost on my way home...I so totally wanted to screw up and end up near my birthplace in Georgetown...hell, may as well since who knows when I will be back). Okay, anyway, rather than just tell you how The Bonapartes rocked [as always], I'll put some things in context.
I haven't been to Claredon in such a long time. I can't believe how many attractive guys I saw walking around. What, is this the young indie place to be rather than the city? Sounds like yuppie loons to me. I thought it was odd. I have to say they have a beautiful Whole Foods. But can you believe I walked through the place and resisted the temptation to buy anything?! (European sandwich selection wasn't so great, clearly.)
I went to the show alone and got there a little early, but since this show didn't start too late it wasn't a pathetic waiting time. The point is that going to shows alone is supposed to help me hone my socializing skills, make friends, etc. (I'm going to need to do this in L.A.), but what do I do? I pick up and read The Washington Blade (the gay newspaper, for the uniformed). Yeah, great way to pick up all those skinny rock 'n' roll boys I love--reading a queer paper. And yes, I was very aware of what I was doing the whole fucking time and laughed at myself.
Greenland opened. I dug it. They are clearly into geography, which is very cool.
The Bonapartes were fabulous in my last attendance of their shows for quite some time. I can't say I'll never see them again unless they disband before I return for a visit, but who knows when that will be (depends how homesick I will get). Damn Eamonn ruined the concept by forgetting his shirt and tie. Sweet Ben looked wrecked afterwards, performing so soon after some sort of surgery. Still in top form, though! Au revoir, Bonapartes!
P.S. That has got to be the ugliest poster they've commissioned!
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