Friday, September 30, 2005

"oh my god, i can't believe it"

Oh wait, yes I can. I can believe that people would think such things. I can believe they would say them publicly. I'm a bit surprised he didn't take it back, though. But why should he? Where's the pressure to do so? This country may be at its most racist because we pretend that we've addressed racial issues. That's not true, we now just sweep them under the rug, increasing tensions. We have to be politically correct so that we don't bring these things up.

It's all bullocks I tell you.

Just like the idiot woman who kept referring to the 1992 "civil unrest" in Los Angeles at a discussion about Katrina (don't ask why she felt the need to go astray, that's not the point). Go ahead, take away people's agency.

[Don't know what I'm talking about? Click the link above.]


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