Tuesday, December 06, 2005

inversion theory

It was suggested to me by a recently-acquired wise friend that I should try inversion tactics to attract men. In other words, rather than go to places where I am comfortable and more or less fit in, I should go to places where I am out of my element. This would truly showcase my unique qualities if I'm the only or one of a handful of my type rather than in a place surrounded by others like me (as if that is truly possible!). But where the hell should I go? The complete opposite of the places I frequent would be the ultra-trendy Hollywood places, probably where I'd see more celebrities than real people, but let's face it, I'm not going to be able to get into such a place should I even get the nerve to attempt it. So what else is left? Hell, I think a divey place like the Smog Cutter (site of the infamous karaoke rubbing) probably qualifies.

What do you think? I'm open to suggestions. And while we're at it, I desperately need tips on good tattoo parlors or how to locate them. Allie arrives in two weeks!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't get a tatoo - keep standing out in the crowd!

6:24 AM  

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