Sunday, November 27, 2005

at long last

Last night ended six and a half years of waiting to see Jason Falkner play live again. I went to the Troubadour in West Hollywood all by my lonesome. Coyote Shivers opened. That was an experience for sure. Just ask me about it. I don't really feel like typing. But the best part was that the bassist had scary hair: imagine if a mohawk and a mullet had a love child on someone's head.

Back to Jason. I had physically seen him a week or so ago spinning records at Amoeba. Yes, I went in there knowing he'd be there, but not to gawk at him. Except I made a beeline for the cheap DVDs and he happened to be standing in front of them.

So I was standing front and center, which means I had the perfect view but could barely hear the vocals. He began the set that lasted for nearly an hour a half (including encore) with a new song "Stephanie Tells Me." Damn right I do!

It was truly a night of new tunes. I'm glad I went. But I think I overhyped it (in my mind) since it had been so damn long.

Here's something worth a chuckle: remember the guy I tried to hit on at the Posies show (with the nice jacket)? Well, I thought I saw him and his jacket at Amoeba when Jason was there. After seeing him at the show last night, I'm pretty sure it was him.


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