Saturday, December 17, 2005

tv's craig ferguson

Do you remember when I posted with such enthusiasm about attending the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson a couple weeks back? Well, Anna and I went, and then neither of us blogged about it even though we had a good time. We sat in the front row, yet nothing more than the tops of our heads could be seen on camera.

We learned some TV-show taping secrets, though. They tape the bands first. They made Nada Surf play "Always Love" twice (I don't know why). The drummer (Ira Elliot) was insanely sexy (i.e. exactly my type), and the warmup guy stole my lines about that. Then I made some silent commotion about Matthew Caws (frontman) cleaning up his stuff. This is TV, and the guys have to pick up after themselves?! John Waters was great as always.

Once the show finished taping, we had a surprise. Craig left to change, and upon his return we taped the Michelle Yeoh segment that was to air on Thursday. I happened to be up on Thursday so I put the show on. I felt badly for that day's audience. They got to see his monologue and some ridiculous magician since the big star (and first guest) was taped on Tuesday.

But the actual point of this blog is to direct you to an article in tomorrow's L.A. Times Magazine on TV's Craig Ferguson. Here's the irony: the article is about him reinventing the late-night monologue, yet I thought his monologue on Tuesday was disappointing, it may have even sucked. He was also trying to argue that You've Got Mail is about internet dating. Trust me on this, it isn't.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say, that monologue was SO dated! The more he went on and on about the internet, the more I kept checking my watch (although it doesn't have a year was more of a symbolic checking.)

1:16 PM  

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