what happened to my beatles tattoo?

Look what I discovered this afternoon when I hopped in my car to run an errand or two. Someone vandalized my bumper! [No, they didn't spray paint the license plate. I did that digitally, duh.] Who the fuck would steal part of my Beatles sticker? Look at how cleanly it was severed, I can't imagine that it peeled off and disappeared as I was driving. Now I'm faced with filling this big hole in such a prominent spot. I don't even know where to find stickers in L.A. I've ordered stuff from Northern Sun, but eh, I'd rather go and pick them out. I also desperately need to find a new "Talk is cheap, free speech isn't" sticker, because it's seen better days [it didn't make it in the photo].
But this adds new complexity to the whole tattoo issue. I'm having serious second thoughts about doing it now or ever. What the hell do I need a tattoo for? My bumper is where I display stuff, the bumper is tattooed. And more people see the bumper than would ever see my tattoo.
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