year-end round up in mexico
I guess you're wondering why the hell I haven't been blogging. It's not like I've been sitting around doing nothing. Maybe I haven't blogged because I've been spending time with most of my blogging audience? I don't know, but Allie has been here since I last blogged and she'll be here until the morning of the 6th. We're having a good time. We've seen a lot of movies, we've seen some relatives, we've seen a few museums, and we've seen less traffic than I was expecting. We even saw a celebrity. We saw Hector Elizondo at the Getty.
On Thursday we went to Mexico. We drove from L.A. to Coronado (San Diego) to meet Nadereh and Jeff, my dear friends from Maryland. Nadereh was my seventh grade world studies teacher, believe it or not! The four of us and Nadereh's sister, drove to the border, parked, and walked across for a day of fun in Tijuana. We crossed the border to be greeted by too many cabbies. One of them sold us on the idea of spending our time, not in Tijuana, but in Rosarito and Puerto Nuevo. So we went. I'm glad I went, but to be honest, I don't plan to return to Baja California anytime soon. It is a very depressing to visit along with all the tourists. I remarked, "I want to see Mexicans." It's not a comfortable experience, and I don't feel like I'm helping anyone with my presence. Allie and I didn't buy a thing, because nothing interested us.

Other fun adventures include Allie having her first sip of (my) beer.
We all got a kick out of this T-shirt. It reminded me of Tim, who has promised to give me data on his experiments with magnum XLs.
This is what the (vehicular) border crossing looked like. Thank god we were on foot!
All photos by Allie.* All captions by me. And remember you can click the photo for a larger image.
*I need to properly credit the "beer" photo. You aren't experiencing technical difficulties. The subject of the photo wasn't happy with her public posting, so I've swiped this image by John Waters. He won't mind.
Mexican jumping beans are cruel. Good you didn't buy them.
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