Friday, February 03, 2006

huntington troublemaker

I think there's something about the stuffiness and elitism of the Huntington that clashes with my iconoclastic aura. You've already heard about getting halway there before realizing I wouldn't be let in. Then yesterday I got there (after going the wrong direction off the freeway since I hadn't gone there from home before) and couldn't find a parking space! I can't believe so many people pay good money to go look at the stupid plants there. Anyway...

Today I finally got in there to do the research I need to do for my assistantship. Too bad it didn't help our project. At any rate, I couldn't help but notice everyone stare at me. It was bizarre. A sort of look of "I don't think you're supposed to be here" when clearly my badge indicates that I have just as much a right as you. It's probably my youthfulness (I've got to be one of the youngest readers), but who knows. Maybe they can smell the trouble I want to make.

P.S. If you didn't know, the Huntington is one of the premiere academic celebrity sighting spots, but naturally there's very restricted access. And of course I have no idea what these people look like.


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