Friday, May 26, 2006

death and a white laptop

What an action-packed twenty-four hours or so it's been. First I was stood up, or rather, thought I was stood up through a bizarre series of events. Now I think it was just a miscommunication. Still a bit of an unnerving experience. Look, I can take rejection, but I think we all know uncertainty drives me more insane than just about anything else.

In the midst of that confusion, my hard drive on my three-year-old PC notebook crashed. Afterwards I was never able to fully reboot Windows. It was a fast death. Is that the end of the world? Not really, but foolish me (can you really call yourself foolish when you know better?) hadn't backed up in a REALLY long time. I bought an external DVD writer to do the trick a month or two ago because it was never going to happen with my patience level and a 1x burner. I was planning to do it this morning. Irony bit me in the ass yet again.

I took the thing to Geek Squad at Best Buy and paid them $59 to tell me that the hard drive was completely dead and they could not salvage any of the data. FUCK. There are some papers and perhaps little things for school that are lost, but nothing totally catastrophic. Just remember to back the motherfucker up, ok? Learn from my mistakes.

So I had planned to just buy a new hard drive and install it myself. But in the back of my mind was a shiny white MacBook. Allie ordered one on Sunday and it arrived just a couple of hours before my hard drive was pronounced dead. For the last year I've said that when my computer dies I'm buying a Mac. But when do you know that a computer is really dead? Certainly the most vulnerable thing is the hard drive, but things get sluggish, it was three years old, and I don't know, it just seemed really logical to switch platforms at a time when you do not have any pertinent files to transfer. Sort of like a blank slate. And of course I had to have the thing today, because there was no way I could survive the long holiday weekend without a computer and internet access. I had to go to two Apple stores, but I got it, and I've been playing with it all day.

But I still have this sinking feeling. Maybe it's because Monday is the 6-year anniversary of my mother's death, and for the first time it lands on Memorial Day, which it was when she died.


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