Saturday, February 03, 2007

it might not be a superdrag...

Lately I've been thinking about how my love for Superdrag truly rivals my love for Teenage Fanclub. I generally tell people my favorite band is Teenage Fanclub, and oddly, that name actually has more recognition than Superdrag (until you maybe mention "Sucked Out"). The thing is that Superdrag doesn't have one bad track. There's not anything that I compulsively skip. Teenage Fanclub, on the other hand, has some tracks that just don't quite do it for me. They aren't horrible, I don't skip them, but particularly in their older catalog (you know, the grunge era), just ain't so poppy so I just don't listen to it very much. Grand Prix and later is solid gold, however.

Anyway, so I'm always lamenting the demise of Superdrag, but the truth is, the brilliance behind Superdrag, John Davis, is still a very productive musician producing Superdrag stuff with a twist. That twist just happens to be God. And Allie told me we should give him a shot.

I think I'm willing. I mean, I do eat at In-N-Out Burger and like it, right?



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