Thursday, February 01, 2007

what was joe trading today?

This morning I saw Liv Tyler, her husband Royston Langdon (sporting some really hot stubble,* I might add), and their son Milo (he has platinum blond did that happen?!) at Trader Joe's in Silver Lake.

It's very funny how that happens. Sure, I've seen celebrities, but when they pop up in places you go all the time but never see them, it's kind of weird. I thought they lived in New York. Plus, I was there much later than I usually go (in the 11 o'clock hour). And I actually talked to them, but it was because I was trying to get past them in the pasta (and everything else) aisle. They had two carts and were deciding on something on the shelf. Only when Liv asked if I was trying to get by in her very soft voice did everything click. I excused myself, of course, and didn't bother them. Even though I was thinking, "Damn! People I actually think are cool!" I really dug Spacehog. I even saw them open for REM in 1999 and waited years for the music they were playing to release on their final CD. I'm going to play The Hogyssey in honor of the occasion.

* For the record, stubble is always hot, but I like to emphasize that.



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