Thursday, February 22, 2007

something stinks

I learned something today about how obsessed with grass people are. Yesterday, in front of the building where my school is housed, I noticed a nasty smell that could best be described as elephant shit. I figured it was mulch (yes, mulch smells like shit to me). When I returned home last night, I opened my car door in the building garage (with openings to the street above) and smelled the same thing. This afternoon I learned that cow shit, which is politely described as fertilizer, was spread around yesterday. Why? To make the grass green. It's the rainy season, but it's hardly rained (well, except for today) so all the grass is ugly. Too bad. I prefer ugly grass to the smell of cow shit.

I've always thought grass was such a stupid thing to bother with, especially with the way people fuss over it. But this is just over the top. When you live in a climate where it rains all the time it never occurs to you that in other places people are so desperate for green grass that they spread shit on their lawns.



Blogger Alexandra Frank. said...

How am I supposed to respond to this?

1:16 AM  

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