Saturday, April 07, 2007

slumber party for one

I don't know what possessed me to rent Sleepover from the library this evening. Actually, it's because Sam Huntington is in it, and well... he's attractive. I'm only about twenty minutes into the movie as I start typing this, but already I think the best has happened. Jane Lynch and Jeff Garlin are Alexa Vega's parents (uh-huh). Steve Carell is some weird neighborhood patrol officer. And I'm watching some stupid movie designed for tweeners where eighth graders have just graduated and can't wait to start high school, because of course, it's going to be the best time they have (as long as they sit at the fountain for lunch). What the hell is wrong with me?

Actually, the best part just happened. The fat girl that Alexa Vega invited to her party after she was insulted by the popular girls just stole her dad's electric car so they can complete the scavenger hunt that includes meeting some guy off some dating site called something like "" Ok, something positive just happened. Vega and friends told the fat girl she isn't fat and that there are guys out there who will like her for who she is.

If only I was ten years younger.

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Blogger Alexandra Frank. said...

Jane Lynch + Jeff Garlin -> Alex VEGA?

Oh, I see it. But I thought Jane Lynch was a lesbian. At least she is in almost everything she does...

3:25 PM  

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