Saturday, June 30, 2007


On Thursday I dragged my butt to Westwood to partake in the L.A. Film Festival. I absolutely had to see Molière because of this:

That's a photo Allie took in the Paris Metro so that we wouldn't forget that we saw this poster in every single Metro station when we were there. I think we also saw the trailer in front of the two movies we saw while there. The movie opened in France on January 31. Then when I saw a trailer recently announcing it was an official selection of the 2007 Los Angeles Film Festival I had to investigate.

I loved it. It's the Shakespeare in Love for Molière. And that Romain Duris... Oh baby, I'd run away with him even with that hideous mustache and hippie 'do. The movie was clever, amusing, and well acted. I'd call it perfect if it didn't use the past framing the present bit. We don't need to see that he writes plays many years later using the experience we watch in the film. I don't know anything about Molière, but I could tell the movie was supposed to be like one of his plays. That quibble aside, thoroughly enjoyable and highly recommended (you know, when it's actually released in this country on some tiny scale).

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