Saturday, July 14, 2007

i just don't believe it

I'm crying just a little bit now. You're just not going to believe this! And if Allie weren't on her way to dinner right now, I'd be blabbing at her on the phone rather than typing this stream of conscious shocker. I just can't believe this.

Superdrag--THE ORIGINAL SUPERDRAG LINEUP--is reuniting for a limited six-city tour. No, they aren't stopping in L.A., but they're going to be in D.C. in November! I'm seriously, seriously, seriously, considering buying airline tickets. It's in the middle of the fucking week in the second half of the semester only a couple of weeks after I'm going to be in Portland, Maine, but OH MY GOD. I'm in love with Superdrag. We all know this. Isn't this what I've been waiting for?

Why aren't you coming to L.A. or hell, somewhere on the west coast?!

I just don't believe it. Sorry for the out of character blog, but I'm just in utter shock and conflict right now.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I doubt they had much popularity in L.A. They were able to tour more back East.

You should go. When I was your age, I used to do stuff like that all the time. Just do it. You will TOTALLY regret it if you don't.

Why do you have to go to the DC show? Go to a show that's on a weekend.

7:59 AM  

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