Friday, February 22, 2008

be kind rewind

This morning I saw Be Kind Rewind. (I really think there should be some sort of punctuation between "kind" and "rewind," but apparently the filmmakers don't.)

I really enjoyed it. It's hilarious, though I was a bit worried when one of the initial gags (before we even get to the main event) was based on the stupidity of Mos Def. Luckily it passed and he was of course the anchor to Jack Black's wildman (but he wasn't too wild or obnoxious). As a film fanatic, the issues it deals with and the emotions it builds on really worked for me, even though I'm not really connected to any of the movies they remake (or "swede"). Though I now have a craving to watch Ghostbusters, which I haven't seen in years. In the credits I saw something about going to a website to see the swede versions they made, but I can't seem to find it. The official site lets you swede yourself into a movie, but I don't care about that. Anyway, go see the movie. It was surprisingly a bit formulaic despite the offbeat premise, but I don't think that ruins the whole thing.

If you're looking for another movie to see this weekend, maybe I recommend Charlie Barlett. Apparently, I did about nine months ago when I saw an advance screening anticipating its then eminent release. I have no idea what happened during the gestation period. I wonder if they edited it.



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