Saturday, June 11, 2005

Fuck yes! TFC in DC!

Yes, I've just returned from a week in L.A., but I'm not writing about that now (see above, it's bound to be written shortly). I arrived home, rushed to my computer (it's very sad that I am so addicted to this machine and its capabilities to bring information and communication literally to my fingertips), and started reading my piles of email. I received an email from The Knitting Factory in Hollywood informing me that Teenage Fanclub would be performing there on August 7 (I did buy the new album at Amoeba Music on Sunset in Hollywood on Tuesday). I started screaming. I still don't know exactly when I'm moving to L.A. so that's why I was freaking out. How could TFC finally play the U.S. and I might miss it in the midst of this big move?! Well, I decided they're probably playing on the East Coast too, so I went to their website but only found a date for Paris in June. Hmmm... I decided that the 9:30 Club would be the most likely venue in my neck of the woods, and so I mosied on over to their site to see that TFC is indeed playing there July 20. You bet your ass I'm driving to the 9:30 Club tomorrow evening to purchase my tickets. I'm not taking any chances nor am I paying any damn service charges.


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