Tuesday, March 14, 2006

plastic (surgery) below the belt

We've all heard of penis envy and the lengths to which men will go to claim a bigger, better penis. Now, apparently, there's a growing trend of women with vulva envy. Okay, it's not limited to the vulva, but that sounds better than "female genital envy." Basically women are paying insane amounts of money to alter their private parts for aesthetics (mainly based on porn stars). Some claim it's for sexual enhancement, but I find that hard to believe: inserting a new hymen, tightening the vaginal opening, or nipping and tucking fleshy parts don't enhance your own physical pleasure (maybe your partner's?). I'd think they'd run quite counter to it. Naturally this criticism is coming from a young, perky girl with no complaints. But really, do you want to take a knife to your most sensitive parts and pray the doctor doesn't fuck you for life?


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