i make faces at car chases
It still amazes me that they actually, in all earnest, show live car chases on local TV in Los Angeles. Before I moved here I thought it was a joke. It's, unfortunately, not.
I just turned on ABC ahead of World News Tonight with Charles Gibson and the local folks are really excited about this car chase in the midst of rush hour. For the first time, the car chase fetish might make sense. They were able to combine the traffic report (not usually part of the evening broadcast, but it's not like there's real news or even weather to report in fantasyland). The thing that made me get a kick out of this and subject you to it, is that they've got several people commenting (some dude in a helicopter and the plastic anchors) and they're just amazed that certain freeway segments aren't parking lots. "I've never seen this part not jammed at this time of day." It's just too funny as they anticipate his route and what traffic he will hit. Basically, this confirms my suspicion that navigating traffic in Los Angeles is a legitimate sport. Even I'm guilty of talking about my sporting life, which drives Allie insane.
Thank god they haven't preempted the national news broadcast to follow this guy. But if I really care, I'm glad to hear that they will continue to follow the pursuit to its conclusion and have all the details at 11. Nice way to conclude the Sweeps period, really.
Labels: shocked and amazed, the absurd
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