Wednesday, February 27, 2008

the semicolon

I've linked you to an interesting article in the New York Times about people getting excited about the proper use of the semicolon on a NY transit sign reminding people to throw away their newspapers rather than litter the place with them.

Huh? Yeah, really. People are getting excited about a semicolon. But of course this is interesting and reason to get excited because so few people use proper grammar anyway, let alone know what to do with the esoteric semicolon. I've always been partial to the punctuation mark, and according to some hokey OkCupid test, that's the punctuation mark I resemble most. I'll wear that as a badge of pride; what have I got to lose?

Good writing is so elusive these days that I find myself being complimented by people I don't really know on how well I write. Don't get me wrong, I don't think I'm a crappy writer, but I'd never describe myself as a writer; I actually spend most of my time procrastinating on the large amount of professional writing I have to do. I'm very good with the technical aspects, because I remember and follow grammar rules. I occasionally turn a very clever phrase (mostly exploiting some sort of irony), but I wouldn't say I am some fabulously gripping writer. I'd rather just give you the information than go on and on in some eloquent description. I'm actually a far superior editor than I am writer, but that's not a talent you can easily showcase. It's also my editing skills that lead me to despair over the state of writing, especially in this age of quick, electronic communication.

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Blogger KE said...

i used to work in a PR office where AP style co-workers (all much older than me) would have lengthy, in-depth conversations about hyphens, commas and the entertained me in the beginning, but then began to drive me you though, i am a better editor than writer, or at least i think so :)

6:53 PM  

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