i ♥ irony, but you knew that

It's been eons since I posted, I know. I'm sorry, but I've been busy. There's this little matter of moving across the country that I've had to attend to while still tying up a lot of loose ends with my previous degree (thank god the thesis is completely done and over with...uploaded and everything).
My last post was about waiting for the fucking idiotic autoshipper to arrive. That was one long story I really don't want to recount, but as Allie says, it really was straight out of a movie. But luckily, I got a call today informing me the car made it safe and sound. Phew.
I got that call while I was at the National Building Museum, which is my favorite museum. Never heard of it? I'm not surprised. Anyway, I had made a couple of stops downtown to return things I borrowed for my thesis, and just had to make sure I went there again. They have the best gift shop, and for once I actually bought something for myself. I got this awesome photo-holding mobile (not the cheap thing that looks like oversized paperclips on string) but they had to give me the floor model so it's being shipped to L.A. (probably better that way). Plus, I bought two posters. I really wanted something iconic (to me, not the world) of D.C. to hang on my walls. I really want a large Metrorail map, but it looks like those aren't sold through the web anymore. Anyway, I got the L'Enfant Plan. Perhaps not the most colorful (it isn't) thing in the world, but it's symbolic for many reasons. AND I got this Art-Deco poster made for a Smithsonian traveling exhibit (NBM isn't Smithsonian so I'm not exactly sure why they had it) called Hollywood: Legend and Reality. I don't think I need to point out the irony there. If you get it, great, if you don't, you should probably read more.
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