Thursday, April 20, 2006

who's stalking you at trader joe's?

I just returned from my weekly trip to Trader Joe's. It's something to look forward to, because I go when it's least crowded but you're still bound to see attractive men. Today I didn't notice any (ok, fine, there was one guy but he was shopping with a woman so that's just as good as not seeing him) because I got an interesting surprise.

There are weird bottlenecks at the Silver Lake Trader Joe's. The parking lot is a disaster. We all know that. But then the entrance quite often either produces people dillydallying and blocking the way or people who are close on your tail when they could go around you quite easily. Today I got the latter. I was just about to mutter under my breath something about personal space when Anna tapped me on the should and said, "Stephanie!" She wanted to follow me around the store. I would have noticed soon enough my tailgater was someone I actually knew, but since I like to be the one person in L.A. that doesn't stare at people for no reason I didn't feel the immediate need to look at who was invading my personal space.

I never see people I know in Trader Joe's (ok, one time yes, but I didn't want to see that person), but yet I see people chatting with friends all the time in there. It was very weird, especially since I noticed how Anna wasn't online this morning before work. AND I had just been doing research on where to see Friends with Money since we both want to see it and I was trying to avoid the high price of Arclight.

Gotta love irony.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You were just about to turn around and slug me...I could tell.

Maybe THAT'S the vibe you give off, explaining why random handsome gents don't stop and ask you which deoderant you think they should buy.

I'm now going to offer you advice, advice you hate. hahahaha!

SMILE!! And maybe the person stalking you next time is actually a boy who just wants to say hello!

3:21 PM  

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