Tuesday, April 24, 2007

course evaluations?

This semester I'm taking a class in the English department with Judith Halberstam on the status of the alternative in contemporary critical theory. ("Huh?" Yeah, don't worry, that part isn't really important for this blog.) Anyway, she handed out the course evaluations today. When Judith opened the envelope and asked if we prefer to take them home, I thought it was a joke. Then I got the sheet and read that it requests you take 10-15 minutes to write a critical essay evaluating the course keeping a long list of questions in mind. You're kidding, right?

In Policy, Planning, and Development we fill in bubbles. Okay, there are three short answer questions too. But an essay? Who the hell is going to read that? Even in American Studies at Maryland we did the short answer format to a series of very specific questions and a handful of agree/disagree stuff.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

We always had the bubbles... strongly disagree to strongly agree.

While I suppose that this method lets people air their grievances, my initial impulse is that it will slant the responses toward the negative, since only someone with a serious bone to pick is likely to take more than the minimum amount of effort to fill out an evaluation.

9:18 AM  

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