Thursday, May 17, 2007

i take offense

In yesterday's Bible Industry news there was a little blurb on ABC's fall lineup that really iritated me, especially after watching Ugly Betty this evening. Here's the quote:

"In deciding what new programs to take on for the 2007-2008 season, ABC Entertainment President Stephen McPherson said Tuesday that the network had listened to 'a tonal shift in the viewer'-- away from darker, complicated series like Lost and towards lighter fare like Ugly Betty."

Ugly Betty is not light fare. Since when does bullshit alien supernatural crap on some paradise island gone to hell (realize I've never actually seen one episode of Lost and I'm intentionally's my way, back off) constitute dark and complicated and an unbelievably smart (especially compared to the rest of TV's offerings) show that happens to make you laugh (yo, it's no sit-com, it is a serial comic drama) laden with social messages light fare? What does Lost teach you? Game theory? Didn't we learn this in microeconomics? A show that validates difference, standing up for who you are and what you believe, and actually shows complicated homosexual as well as heterosexual AND transgender individuals AND people of different colors and economic classes... Do I really need to beat this dead horse? And don't tell me it's not dark. It started with a death and the season just ended with one.

Though I have to say I was a bit peeved tonight with Betty's dental hygienist decided that she was so obsessed with romantic comedies (don't snicker) that she was forcing Betty to think she was the female lead in one. To Betty's credit (and the writers!), Betty didn't fall into that trap. She was Betty, she was there for her family at a time of crisis. This show is almost too good.

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Blogger Alexandra Frank. said...

I saw that too and thought at first, "They're dealing with the deportation of a father and the breaking down of a family due to immigration status." Not only is this issue not covered anywhere else, I believe, it is a just another reason why Ugly Betty is not lite.

P.S. Why couldn't you have given a spoiler warning? I've only seen the first 14 episodes. England has gotten in the way of this, too.

1:35 AM  

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