Wednesday, May 02, 2007

tales from a master procrastinator

The things I do to procrastinate even amaze me now. I so desperately hate to write that I prolong the task, in the process making it infinitely worse than it has to be, until the absolute last minute. It's as if I can't write anything unless I know it's due in a matter of hours.

This morning I've read (in preparation for writing), but interrupted even that task with washing dishes, preparing potatoes and garlic to roast for lunch, and bleaching my set of four 50-cent IKEA drinking glasses.

Yes, you read that last part correctly...Ms. Undomestic and Proud of It is turning into Martha Stewart as the Ph.D. progresses. My friend Nadereh told me that she bleached her glasses and they looked like new again. Do I really care about such a thing? No, but I horribly stained one of them by drinking earl grey tea in it. Bleach one, bleach 'em all.

And, yes, bleaching works.

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