wine and 90210
Geez, it's been a month since I posted. I'm sorry. Clearly nothing all that exciting has happened since then. I saw Julius Shulman again, but, alas, there were no further commentaries on my big boobs (or anyone else's). I've been busy procrastinating as usual, but also quietly freaking out about how I leave for my first trip to Europe in exactly three weeks! Unbelievable really. And the amount of work I have to do is equally unbelievable.
Well, something prompted me to post for once. I just got back from a wine tasting group I joined a few weeks ago. It's for people in their 20s, and I thought this would be a good way to meet people and learn something in the process. It's taken me a long time to warm up to alcohol, but I'm still not sold on wine. I have yet to truly like anything. I think I have a weird palate (perhaps because of my intense smell and taste senses), because it all nearly tastes the same except some are more acidic or sour than others. My tongue thinks that if there is going to be that high of an alcohol content it should be sweet (e.g. I love tequila sunrises, margaritas...basically alcohol and sugar). The only wine I'd actually buy to drink for myself would be a sparkling one, since that's the only type I've actually had repeatedly good responses to. And then tonight I learned from a Frenchman at the tasting that in France there are fruit syrups that are often added to champagne or white wine. Now that sounds ideal! I will have to inquire at Silverlake Wine . That place is great. I know nothing, but I just ask questions, give my preferences, and the kind people have the selection for me.
Ok, now I'm getting to the (somewhat) interesting part. The meeting was held at a house in Beverly Hills 90210 AND the host has a name very similar to one of the main characters (initials BW). Actually, quite embarrassingly, when I first met him and someone said his name, I laughed. Then I was told it wasn't a joke, but yeah, it was funny. I'm pretty open about my one-time obsession with 90210, and I seriously got a kick out of being in it. The style was completely different, but I think the house was on par with the Walsh house (except with lower ceilings). Actually, I was told that the house was once owned by Jean Harlow and she died in it! That's kind of cool old Hollywood history, isn't it?