Friday, January 11, 2008

from film consumer to film producer

When a professor in my school offered to run multimedia boot camps to teach students the basic tricks of making and editing movies and other such activities, I quickly enrolled. We spent this morning capturing video via digital camera, cell phone, or camcorder (I used my digital camera, though I could have used my web cam) and then edited them in iMovie. What you see here probably took 2-3 hours (keep in mind a learning curve) to conceive, shoot, and edit. I did the bulk of it in the class, but when I got home this afternoon I did some tweaking and added a song I had on my external harddrive. I think it's pretty cute. Enjoy.

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Wednesday, January 09, 2008

i heart woody allen

The next film (in theater) I'm likely to see is Woody Allen's Cassandra's Dream, which will open in limited release on January 18th. Can you believe I have to wait that long to go to the movies?

Anyway, in anticipation of that, Scott Simon interviewed Allen for NPR's Weekend Edition Saturday this past week. This is the most interesting and informative interview Allen has given in years, I think.

To listen to the interview, find the link at the top of the page here. Look below the photo of Allen for a clip on filming outside Manhattan.


Tuesday, January 08, 2008

in case any of you rely on me for your superdrag news

This just in. That little reunion tour I trekked my butt across the country for and those tracks I had difficulty listening to on MySpace did indeed suggest something a bit more substantial was on the way.

Superdrag (the original lineup) are returning to the studio next month to record a new album!

And they're going to play more live shows. They're playing with Nada Surf in New York in April (that would be awesome, but I'm not insane). They claim to be working on tour dates west of the Mississippi.

I'm excited! I've been so bored lately. I've seen all the movies out that I could possibly want to see. Thus, the highlights of my day are tracking the presidential primaries and watching Jeopardy!. School starts on Monday to save me from myself.

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