the return of the l.a. blogger
I know, it's been an eternity since I last wrote...and it's not because nothing has happened. I've been in Los Angeles for just over two weeks. I have yet to get lost (okay, I've had to turn around a couple of times, but I haven't had any major navigation problems). I also have yet to see any celebrities...and it's not like I have been looking for them. I'm told they're everywhere. Yeah, they are if you count Reese Witherspoon's enormous head on countless billboards and buses.
Basically I've been insanely busy trying to find housing. I had a place, it fell through (long story, but let's just say it wasn't my fault), and now I'm scrambling to find something. I'm not desperate in the sense that I have a place to stay and no pressure from my hosts to move, but school has already started and things are going to escalate quickly. For my own sanity and comfort, I need to move. Yet, I won't take just anything. I've had offers that I've had to refuse because the situation just didn't seem right. I'm feeling optimistic about a couple of places in Silverlake (one in particular), so let's just keep our fingers crossed.
Oh, and by the way, I'm not homesick. Except for maybe air conditioning. It's absolutely ridiculous that I sweat to death on a daily basis. It isn't even that hot outside (by my standards; remember, I was born and raised in effectively a reclaimed swamp and surrounding areas), but with the angle and intensity of the sun, all that damn heat gets trapped in buildings that aren't air conditioned because they don't need to be 49 weeks out of the year. I'm learning to deal with it, and I bought a fan. Though I'm writing this for you in the comfort of the very cold lounge in Lewis Hall on USC's campus.